Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops ... which is usually accompanied by a change of habitat or behavior . This is a Greek word which means transformation or change of shape. (Thanks, Wikipedia ) I told my husband last night, "For the first time in my life I haven't had nightly 'Mom guilt' for quite a few nights in a row! Maybe the Lord's changing me?" He replied as a wonderful, supportive husband should, "That's awesome! What's made the difference?" Hmm.... Grace. On this short journey of fearlessness I have found grace. Grace that allows me to play with my kids and let other things go at the moment. Grace to stop and stand in awe of the beauty around me. Grace to allow my kids to 'mess up' and make mistakes and learn from them. Grace to go outside and play in the rain when there are e-mails to be answered. Grace to put ou...