...Is always a little daunting after a new baby is born. Even though this is number 6, I don’t quite feel prepared to leave the hospital and venture home. But, here are some truths that go before me that I will remember when I start to feel a little dark:

1. Look up- see the One who loves you beyond measure AND is able to give you the strength to move forward...and live victoriously!
2. Run With Sparkle....Backwards- move backwards, step by step, into the future, your hand in your Father’s hand. But, don’t move each morning without meeting with Him somehow. Reading His Word to you, Listening to His gentle whisper, surrendering the day to the One who knows what’s about to happen, remembering that He’s never forsaken you, in fact He causes you to run with sparkle because of His provision and love for you!
3. One day at a time- manna for today. Do not worry what tomorrow looks like. Jesus is enough for the unknowns tomorrow and He’ll prepare you today! Don’t focus on tomorrow, focus on how He’s provided in the past!
4. Your house will get cleaned up in minutes, no matter how dirty & disorganized it is. You have 5 wonderful helpers at home and they are willing to help, in fact, it’s good for them to help!
5. Enjoy your kids. Be present in the moment & love on them, focus on their strengths & tell them what you see in them.
6. No Mom guilt- you are the mother that God has chosen for these kids. You. Are. The. Best. Mom...For. Them. You have been hand chosen. So, in spite of your mess ups, God will see them through, teach them, reveal Himself to them. Do not lay in bed at night and feel guilty about anything. Just praise Jesus that He is enough for your children and He is able to cover your mistakes.
7. You are in control of your time. You can have boundaries. You can rest when your body says rest. You need to rest. Don’t fear people’s invasions. You can speak truth in love and tell people what you need.
8. You will lose the baby weight. It’s going to take some determination & will power, but in Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, you have all you need to overcome the sugar/ calorie/ bread/ food/ whatever you want to call it addiction.
I head home with my back to the cold, my hand in the Father’s hand...with a sparkle!
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