I post these pictures so that I won’t forget what God has done & continues to do in my life, in the life of our church, & in the life of our family. There are tiny blessings that happen each day & some very huge blessings, too! God is in our midst & He is working. All the time. Here are some reminders...

I received a surprise text from my brother & he wants to help us pay for a new van! He sent us some money yesterday. God continues to provide. We haven’t found he right one yet, but He will lead & make a way! Bill & Marge’s donation to us, selling our van, & Cam’s donation are just a few reminders that God is parting he Red Sea for us once again! 😀
Ringing the bell for the Salvation Army has become such a special part of Christmas for our family!
Christmas caroling with our church family is something we look forward to every year!

Painting with my little man while listening to Christmas music...I am so thankful for him!

Messy forts & lots of fun playtime & Nerf battles has marked this winter season!

This chair & our ugly couches have threatened to make me frustrated & complains. But, these couches are worn because we spend a lot of time in the family room together, doing school, reading, watching T.V., hosting friends, & having Jesus time.
This chair & our ugly couches have threatened to make me frustrated & complains. But, these couches are worn because we spend a lot of time in the family room together, doing school, reading, watching T.V., hosting friends, & having Jesus time.
I received a surprise text from my brother & he wants to help us pay for a new van! He sent us some money yesterday. God continues to provide. We haven’t found he right one yet, but He will lead & make a way! Bill & Marge’s donation to us, selling our van, & Cam’s donation are just a few reminders that God is parting he Red Sea for us once again! 😀
Running with Sparkle through His provision,
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