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Praying the Psalms

As the rain and the snow
    come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
    without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
    so that it yields seed for the sower 
and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
    It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
    and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.  Isaiah 55:10-11

Last week with our kids was brutal.  I babysat various numbers of kids everyday, had missionaries in from out of town, took the kids to Bible school, had play dates at the park, and had 4 different nights where we had dinner with families from our church.

By the end of the week I was ready to lock our children in their rooms.  They were being mean, not wanting to play together, constantly hurting the other one's feelings, saying things I have never heard come out of their mouths. Who were these two little beasts?  As I was reflecting with Nate about the week, I realized that our kids needed to be locked in a room together.  They were having too much friend time and not enough time on the same team working together.  

Sunday night it all reached a head.  At the baseball game Isaiah was acting like a brat and saying things I never wanted my child to say.  Completely out of line.  I sent everyone to bed and spent some time in prayer & then went to sleep with a peace that God was going to give me the answer for Isaiah.

In the morning I awakened way too early with a desire to pray the Psalms for our kids.  

A year ago after experiencing some great bouts of fear and anxiety for the kiddos I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to begin finding promises for my kids in the Psalms.  I discovered that every Psalm I read had a promise for my kids.  It comforted me to know that I was praying the words which God said (through the prophet Isaiah), "...will not return to Me empty..will accomplish what I desire!"  I knew that as I prayed the Word for my kids I was asking God for the things which align right up with His desires, not my own desires for our kids.  And, I can rest assured that He will do whatever it takes (hardships, bringing others into their lives, etc.) to see it brought about in our kids' lives for His glory!  

This particular morning I prayed Psalm 35:1-3:
Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with I, M, E, & U;
fight against those who fight against _______.
Take up shield and buckler;
arise and come to his/her aid.
Brandish spear and javelin
against those who pursue ________.
Say to _________'s soul, 
"I am your salvation."

These words brought such comfort to my heart.  I was at peace knowing that God is actively fighting for my (His) children.  He is contending with the spiritual forces trying to bring my children down and tear them apart.  He is not sitting back watching what will happen, but is taking up His shield and buckler, spear and javelin to come to our aid.  And, He is speaking deep to the souls of my kiddos, "I am your salvation."

After reading this, I wanted to cry.  God spoke so tenderly to my Mother's heart, my heart that cares so deeply that my children be little lights for Him.  

I can rest.  I am not the one fighting, He is.  He will show me as we need to reign things in, draw our kids back to home base, remind them that we're all on the same team.  

We had a great day together because I remembered that God was fighting for my kiddos.

When I came back from my doctor's appointment the kids were in the backyard building forts together, playing like best friends again.  What a confirmation that the Psalm I prayed in the morning was taking affect in their lives!  

Thank you, God, for your living and active Word!  You are so good to me, to our family!  Keep up your work in our lives...I will get out of the way!


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