On our way home tonight from cousin's birthday party in Pittsburgh, I started lamenting/ crying about how often I forget the cute things the kids do and the great memories we make. So, here is my attempt to chronicle the memories of our sweet, chaotic, messy, beautiful life in Ohio.
Here are some pictures from this side of heaven...

Look how nice the basement guest area looks now minus the piles of clothes
Still waiting on the butterflies to emerge
Pizza, Sherbet, and Oreos=happy eaters
My attempt to read more of the Word
My garage sale find...a great fort building aid
Creative messiness
Ury is our quiet adventurer...never bored
Yet another fort
I finally made picture labels for all of Moriah's toy drawers
We enjoyed seeing Tarzan at Boardman High School....Broadway here we come?
Elijah is still quite the superstar around here
After all of the sunshine, warmth, and outdoor play this week, bath time came on more than just on Saturday
Moriah loves visiting Daddy's office in the basement
Moriah got stung by an irritated Honey Bee who left his stinger
Our baby slept six hours one night this week....he hasn't done it since :)
Praise God from whom all bessings flow...so grateful that tomorrow we begin again!
His mercies are new every morning...
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