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Showing posts from April, 2014

HAPPY EASTER & Zekey turns 3

Happy Easter!!! We woke up to great excitement over the realization that today was the day Jesus rose from the dead and Zekey was born! :)  Isaiah worked hard on this special birthday crown for our newly 3 year old! Everyone was happy to pose for pictures....thank you for making Mommy so stinkin' happy! Big Boy! Elijah is so loved at Venture! The birthday boy and his brother rule the nursery! Teething on Miss Gwen! The woman who literally brought Elijah into this world....we LOVE our midwife, Rachel! Awesome friends and partners in ministry! Our amazing Hawkins family! New to Venture, but completely apart of the family...the Brodes! Getting ready for our Easter picture....and, of course, photo bombers! Ury and Elijah didn't understand what, "Say cheese!" meant! Friends! Zekey's Easter birthday celebration! A Knight's castle for ...

A Holy Week in Pictures!

What a blessed week... Went to see The Easter Story at Highway Tabernacle Church....we walked all the way to the car afterwards to go home and Moriah started crying, "I wanted to meet Jesus!"  So we went back in for a photo shoot with Jesus!  What a blessed way to start Holy Week! Zeke was excited and a little hesitant to meet the Roman soldier (dolder)! This year to save money on the egg hunt, our church made their own t-shirts.  This was Elijah's! Isaiah who loves World Geography made his eggs into flags! Mommy did, too! Moriah's beautiful rainbow colored eggs! For Ury from Moriah...including Jesus on the cross! Zeke's shirt...he loves to color! Nate's college football shirt! A fun family event! Moriah played all day with Olivia who was on Spring Break Zeke loves to color...he brought this picture to me and said, "I want to make a rocket ship for Lola an...