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Showing posts from July, 2013

Praying the Psalms

As the rain  and the snow      come down from heaven, and do not return to it      without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish,      so that it yields seed  for the sower  and bread for the eater, 11  so is my word  that goes out from my mouth:       It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire      and achieve the purpose  for which I sent it.  Isaiah 55:10-11 Last week with our kids was brutal.  I babysat various numbers of kids everyday, had missionaries in from out of town, took the kids to Bible school, had play dates at the park, and had 4 different nights where we had dinner with families from our church. By the end of the week I was ready to lock our children in their rooms.  They were being mean, not wanting to play together, constantly hurting the other one's feelings, saying things I have never...

The B-I-B-L-E Yes That's the Book For Me!

Yesterday, after much bickering and breaking up fights I said to the kids, "We really need to sit down and read our Bible together.  We need to hear from the Lord!"  The sounds that followed ripped me to the core..."Awww!" "Do we have to?" "I don't like reading the Bible!"  I wanted to scream in anger about how they never seem to make those sounds when we sit down to watch a movie, but I didn't, I just started reading.  Zeke was the only one scrambling to get to my lap and hear the story. Afterwards, I let the kids go play and I just sat in the Popasan chair feeling dejected, like a terrible mother. "Lord, you promised to pour out your Spirit on my children!  What is happening?  I am failing you...failing them!  You have to do something" I brought them all back into the sun room for a light lecture.  Haha...yeah, if that's possible! "Guys, I have one main job as a mother and that is to teach you the Word of God....