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Showing posts from May, 2014

Listen Up...

At the Discipleship Summit this year Jesus kept telling me in multiple ways to be a better listener... 1. He was a great listener! Isaiah 53-"He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, but he did not say anything." 2. Most of the time when I talk, I regret what I said 3. It's a way to be a servant 4. I can learn alot from other people 5. Listening is the best form of response can be prayer! As the Lord began to challenge me with this, I began asking to help me with questions to ask people... In the hot tub that afternoon I met an amazing missionary woman who began asking me about my kiddos. Not only did she ask me about their ages, but she also asked what each of their personalities were like. I had to really think about that question. She was genuinely interested in me and it felt amazing! This is going to take alot of effort, but through the power of the Holy Spirit it can be done! I am trusting that this will change my relationships,  even with my...

The Best Mother's Day Yet!

Lola Comes to Visit

Color coordinating girls A close up :) Jaime came to visit, too! Emma's 7th Birthday Party at the Y! Face painting Mom worked hard while she was here! Elijah pondering life at the Discipleship Summit in Wilmot, Ohio Look at that face! Elijah enjoyed Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood while Mommy worked on Venture Kids planning! What a blessing it was to be able to go to the Summit this year!  I tried to get out of it because of all of the sickness at home, but I am so glad God didn't let me.  He met me, even though I spent most of the time out of the sessions and in the room with Eli.   Once again, He reminded me that He is enough...for joyful mothering, sacrifical marriage, victorious living.   His Spirit is in me...what more could I need?  I am Holy because of this fact.   So, I go home in confidence...and with great peace!